Lost in Transit 2020
How Does the UPS Claims Process Work
You can start a UPS claim within 60 days of the scheduled delivery for packages that have been lost or damaged, or if a collect on delivery (C.O.D.) payment was not received. Here’s how to do it:
Provide Some Details About the Package
This can be the package's tracking number, weight or contact information for the recipient.
This can be the package's tracking number, weight or contact information for the recipient.
Let Us Know Your Role in the Claim
Indicate your relationship to the package. Are you the sender, receiver, an appointed representative of the shipper or a third party?
Indicate your relationship to the package. Are you the sender, receiver, an appointed representative of the shipper or a third party?
Support Your Claim With Additional Documentation
Items such as receipts, invoices and purchase orders can help identify merchandise. Attaching photos of damaged packages is also recommended for damage claims.
Items such as receipts, invoices and purchase orders can help identify merchandise. Attaching photos of damaged packages is also recommended for damage claims.
Submit Your Claim
You'll get a notification from us about your claim once submitted, as well as up-to-date information available on your claims dashboard.
You'll get a notification from us about your claim once submitted, as well as up-to-date information available on your claims dashboard.